Showing posts with label workload. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workload. Show all posts

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Justice by app?


One topic that comes up again and again in the course of the home office discussion (see last week’s article "Home or Office?") is that of fairness in the distribution of work. Specifically, it is a matter of the assumption that those practitioners or assistants who are available on site are disproportionately assigned to acute tasks.

 Of course, one could argue that the opposite would also be logically justifiable: after all, there are supposed to be managers who basically assume that employees in the home office contribute little or nothing to the company. Consequently, these superiors would then assign a disproportionately large amount of work to home office employees. However, we don't know.

 A new software product wants to clear up this lack of knowledge. It is called Capacity and is intended to bring transparency to the workload of employees.

The assignment status of the employees integrated in Capacity can be viewed at any time via a dashboard, and unfairness can be prevented. Even more, employees can grab jobs that interest them, which, according to Capacity's founders, should lead to increased employee satisfaction. is still in its beginnings, but in any case it is an interesting initiative to eliminate possible irregularities in the distribution of law firm work.

Legalweek: Is the hype around ChatGPT just a bubble?

Anyone who had the opportunity to attend Legalweek last week in New York City might almost have gotten that impression. That is not to say...